
VFA-Forum interlift 2025

Call for Papers

From Tue 14 October to Fri 17 October 2025, the VFA-Interlift e.V. - Association for Lift Technology - will once again be holding its international lecture forum for exhibitors and visitors at the interlift trade fair.

Starting this year, the trade fair will take place in Nuremberg, where we invite you to give a technical presentation of approx. 20 minutes followed by a discussion of approx. 5 minutes. The presentation is free of charge.

Main topics are for the year 2025:

  • New products and services
  • National, European and international standardisation
  • International markets:
    • India
    • Italy
    • Middle East
  • Digitalisation / AI / Cyber Security
  • Modernisation and Sustainability

Please submit your presentation proposal by Friday 18 April 2025 at

Please submit a titled, approx. ten-line abstract of the presentation content for review by the Forum Committee.
Please state the name of the speaker, your company/institution, your stand number at the trade fair (if applicable), as well as your contact details.

By the end of June 2025, we will inform you about the acceptance of your presentation and the next steps.
Please note that, after the end of the fair, all presentations will be published on the VFA website.


Further information:
VFA-Akademie gGmbH
Anja Smieja
Phone: +49 40 8000473-12  ♦

Professional Partner